Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lightning Pick: Titans GO (Hollywood?)

  First off, Lightning Pick is where I write about things off the top of my mind. See, I created this blog because my voice wasn't being heard. I can go on for HOURS about stuff, and when I'm done I'm always like, "Man, that wasn't on record! People other than my neighbors (who don't agree) and my family (who don't agree or care) need to hear this!". Lightning Pick is where I put those juicy words on record. And now, it's time to begin...

Yes, Father. I shall become a Blogger...

  Second, don't be fooled. The Teen Titans are not GOing Hollywood...but hopefully there's a "yet" in there. They need to be GOing Hollywood, and here, at Lightning Pick's debut, I'm gonna explain why (ironically, around the time I started this post, I'd just finished saying all this upcoming stuff to my Dad, who was sick on the couch. The important thing here is a set of ears, my friends, and a headache doesn't take that away!).

  My main point here is that I (and I'm sure many other fans) want a DC film featuring more than Batman or Superman. Now, logically, DC would lean towards the Justice League, seeing as how they're a team of superheroes featuring, but not limited to, Batman and Superman. But you know what? In my opinion, that's the wrong direction to be taking. I mean, yeah, you can kinda see this plan as a logical answer to Marvel's The Avengers, but really, do we want to see a buncha characters (Bats, Supes, and WW, and apparently Aquaman) who we've grown tired of get thrown into a whole new world in one movie with zero adequate build-up? If DC is trying to work the Marvel formula, they have all the build-up they need...for the Teen Titans!

When there's trouble, you know who to caaaaaaaall...

  Here's why it would work. See, Marvel appealed to audiences by releasing awesome solo movies featuring okay enough superheroes for years, and then was like "YO, wouldn't it be SO PHAT if there was a movie with ALL OF THEM IN IT?! HUH?!", and it worked. There was hype, flavor, teasing, build-up. Now, everyone expects DC to answer with the same tactic. Batman reboot movie. Superman reboot movie. Green Lantern. Wonder Woman. The Flash. Aquaman. JUSTICE LEAGUE! And I admit, that would work, and it would work great, but DC is underestimating the hype and build-up they already have (and they're not doing that movie-ingredients thing, anyway). See, Marvel appealed with the amount of movies they made that introduced their characters. DC can appeal simply with characters. Like the TITANS.

Okay, maybe not ALL of them, but hey.

  The Titans were huge back in the day. The show had the perfect blend of humor, action, story, and characters that anyone could want in a cartoon. Kids and Teens (see what I did there?!) fell in love with Beast Boy, Raven, Robin, Cyborg, and, you know, that last annoying one...

When it starts goin' down, she's pretty cool, but even as a kid I couldn't stand the whole "I speak grammatically correctly because I am not from Earth and do not know this 'slang' you speak of" crap. Or maybe it was her voice. I mean, Martian Manhunter did that in JL, and he sounded AWESOME.

  ...and they still love 'em! Unfortunately, Teen Titans GO! (mentioning this show hurts my soul) isn't a nostalgic reawakening for the fans who grew up with the franchise. It's just a humor driven cartoon that follows a formula CN is using on this "next generation". But it's not like it isn't famous! Kids love the show. And now, you have guys like me who grew up with the show, guys who were my age when I was younger who appreciated the show, the handful of adults who thought it had promise, AND kids who are enjoying the characters and what they bring to the table today! SO MUCH AUDIENCE POTENTIAL. And if you think appealing to fans with characters won't draw in HUGE numbers of would-be-viewers, I have two things to say to you: TMNT and GOTG. These movies BLEW UP in the box office. They beat How to Train your Dragon 2 (that movie was amazing)!!! But with TMNT, they used appeal (I really hope I'm using that word right). There are TMNT fans from the 80s, 2003, and even 2014 with the new show! Who didn't want to see that (any sane person who saw the trailer, that's who)? And in my opinion, the only reason so many people decided to go see GOTG the first time is because nobody knew who they were (I knew who they were, and yet still meh.). I mean, you have a talking raccoon, voiced by Bradley Cooper, who's best friend is a talking tree guy, voiced by VIN FREAKIN' DIESEL. Who didn't want to go see that?! 

  So why not use the Teen Titans' characters to draw in fans? The next question is how

  Simple. As I've explained, I believe DC has all the build-up it needs already. You've rebooted Superman perfectly. He's out in the world, responsible for so much destruction and chaos in the name of justice, and just doomed his entire species (Man of Steel). He's off the chain. Also, you've given Batman his agenda. If DC is trying to tie in the Dark Knight Trilogy, you can start off where you left off: Batman is retired, presumed dead, but is now hearing about superhumans. A man who can fly, punch through steel, and shoot lasers out of his eyes just wrecked Metropolis, and that peaks his interest. 

But baby, you said you'd quit all that superhero stuff! YOU SAID WE'D BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!!
I feel you, sister...

  So what is Bruce to do? ROBIN. He's already chosen a protege. That cop guy form Rises could be Robin, carrying on Batman's legacy. Recast him if necessary, or heck, make him Nightwing. His age fits better as Nightwing, and Nightwing was with the Titans for a while in the comics. As long as you have the Bat-influence, it's all good. It could work. Retired Bruce gets in touch with Robin/Nightwing and goes "Listen up. Superhumans. They're out there. I'll deal with this Superman guy (if you still want your Dawn of Justice, there it is). You find the others. The young bucks, the ones that might cause trouble. Get 'em under control. Don't let 'em jack up Gotham. You can do this."

                                                      Challenge accepted.

  And now you have a story. Robin/Nightwing is living up to DKR Batman by going the ultimate distance to round up any young superhumans he can find and make sure they keep it together. Script writers can work from there, I'm sure. Get your conflict, your main villain, whatever. Throw Deathstroke in there, maybe have him hired by whoever to round up young metahumans too, make him run into Robin/Nightwing on multiple accounts. You can work your origin stories in there easily, because most people who don't read the comics don't have a clue as to what made the Titans who and what they are. You can even pull another branch from the Avengers formula and make 'em not get along at all with each other, preferably Cyborg or Starfire (remember, she's not from Earth). Save the Raven/Trigon stuff for a sequel or somethin'.

Teen Titans: Age of Trigon (see what I did THERE?!)

  And so there you have it! You have plenty of fans, a huge audience is certain, your build-up is secure enough at this point, and with some good action sequences, a fair dose of humor and darkness, and a easy-to-follow-and-accept story, you've got yourself a new franchise AND you've revived cinematic fame! IT COULD TOTALLY WORK!!!

TITANS, GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reap what interests you most

1 comment:

  1. Let me say this, my friend.

    Hollywood. Will. Screw. This. Awesome. Idea. Up. To. Shucking. Hell. And. Back.

    I love TT, but hollywood cannot be trusted. Them and their...."producers".. *chills *

    Seriously though, I love the idea. But the problem is that TT are not as well known as the super team next door(Justice League). And the only people who can get the show running are producers themselves....*chills*.
